Legal Disclaimer

Please note that NIKO airdrops are not guaranteed. We do not advise you to purchase NFTs for NIKO airdrops as a form of passive income. If you do so, you will be doing it at your own risk. There is also the possibility of a partner project withdrawing from rxelms, this would mean an immediate end to the project's NIKO allocation. We also have the right to change the amount of NIKO that is given away in any of the programs we have running so once again do not buy NFTs for the airdrops.
Interlectual Property
Partner projects do not hand over their IP to rxelms at any point.
Terms of Partnership
Partner projects reserve the right to withdraw from the partnership at any point. Rxelms also has the right to withdraw from the partnership. We believe this form of relationship will go towards ensuring that we continue to add value to partners and vice versa.